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by floodlightseo


Categories: Uncategorized

by floodlightseo


Sports Switch Up

McKinley Family Chiropractic is full of multisport athletes!

It’s no secret that today’s youth sports landscape leans heavily on early specialization. However, when young athletes focus on just one single specific sport year-round, it can tend to lead to repeated overuse injuries. Cross-training, or sports sampling, on the other hand, can help take the pressure off overworked muscles and joints. Encouraging participation in different sports throughout the year can help your young athlete stay off the injured list. As a bonus, cross-training brings a winning combo of strength and flexibility training to the table, a crucial foundation for any sports performance.

Sport sampling and cross-training is not only for children! Dr. McKinley is an excellent example of how cross-training can benefit the body. Dr. M dabbles in multiple disciplines, such as weight lifting, cycling, running, and rowing. He’s not only learning new activities, but when he shifts from a sport such as running to cycling, he can continue to train at a high level without as much fatigue. He will be putting this training to the test this summer and fall as he competes in both an off-road triathlon and the Chicago Marathon.

The other doctors in the office also have a high level of expertise in multidisciplinary sports. Dr. Ray plays rugby, soccer, and golf. Dr. Cain ran track, swam, and played soccer. So if you ever have a question about your child or even yourself when it comes to trying different forms of physical activity, please feel free to ask one of the doctors the next time you’re in the office.

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