• McKinley ChiroTV Kids, Chiropractic, and Immunity – What Role Does the Immune System Play? Find out the “why” behind chiropractic for children in this short, three minute video, discuss the nervous systems development and role in a child’s health.

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  • For our second installment of “Kids, Chiropractic, and Immunity”, we bring you Dr. McKinley dicussing “Common Conditions That Chiropractic Can Help.”  Probably the most popular reaction that we get when we mention to people that we adjust kids is “why, kids don’t have back pain?”  Subluxations in kids tend to manifest as many of the […]

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  • So in our first two enstallments of “Kids, Chiropractic, and Immunity” we learned about the development of the nervous system, its role in health, and some common conditions that chiropractic may help by ensuring proper function of the nervous system.  In this episode we are going to answer the question:  “What should I do if […]

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