Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Summer is just around the corner so we thought it’d be a good time to start talking about sunshine and summertime activities. To start out, we want to share a little known fact…sunlight can help prevent cancer. You might be asking yourself, can sunlight really prevent cancer?!? In this blog topic we’ll discuss the importance of taking advantage of sunlight during the upcoming summer season!


First off, one of the most important things we need to incorporate not only in summer but also throughout the entire year is sunlight. It’s free and and it has great benefits. Your body needs an average of at least 10 – 15 minutes of sunlight every day to prevent cancer. When exposing yourself to sunlight it’s important to expose your torso.

A lot of people think only getting sunlight a few times a year is the best way to go, this is not the case. You have to consistently expose yourself to sunlight throughout the year for it to be beneficial.

A good recommendation to prepare for summer, since we’re coming off a winter season, is to start exposing your body to the sun for shorter times. This way, you’ll find yourself not burning as easily when going to the beach throughout the summer season.

Take Advantage of Summer & Exercise!

The sun and great weather during the summer is a perfect opportunity for everyone to incorporate some exercise in their routine. Start running, riding bicycles, participating in a recreational activity, or whatever strikes your interest most. Not only does exercise make yourhealthier, but you’ll find you have more energy! Most people don’t realize that simply walking for 15 – 20 minutes with an increased pace, which includes moving your arms a little more vigorously, can be a good form of exercise.

Since we’re on the topic of sun, we all know that it also means heat. Make sure to carry around water to remain hydrated. You also want to pay attention to the type of water you’re drinking. We’d suggest that you avoid tap water and drink more spring water, ph water, or water with cucumbers or lemon in them. Tap water is very acidic whereas the other types of water suggested are more alkaline and will be more beneficial for your body.

Get Involved

Do you have plans which involve taking advantage of sunlight this summer? We’d love to hear your stories, please leave a comment below!

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