by floodlightseo
by floodlightseo
- Last year Prop 37 in California was a shoe-in to win.
- Surveys showed as much as 85% of the public wants GMOs labeled on our foods. $6.7 million was raised and the proposition was headed for passage.
- Then Monsanto, Dow and food manufacturing giants sprinted to the finish with over $45 million and defeated the proposition by 6 points.
- Then in March of 2013, the “Monsanto Protection Act” was tacked on to HR933 and signed into law.
- Are GMOs safe? It doesn’t matter, you won’t be suing their creators. Our food safety has been sold out from under us. It’s been Bought.
- More recently, the Senate struck down an amendment to the Farm Bill that would have allowed states to require GM food labelling.
- It would have caused the FDA and USDA to report to Congress the percentage of GMOs in foods and beverages within two years.
- If GMOs are safe, why all the work to keep them hidden?
Kick Start Your 2025 with a Solid Routine We hope everyone had a great holiday, but unfortunately, it is time to get back to the real world and all of the fun that comes with it. One of the best ways to do that is by re-establishing a routine. The beginning of the year is […]
Warm Wellness Is winter not your jam? We get it, but there are still plenty of ways to advance your wellness journey, even in the cold. One of the easiest ways to improve your health without working too hard is by using the sauna. Now, we understand not everyone has a sauna, but there are […]