Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


My Pain is Back…

I understand how stressful it would be to feel like your pain was returning. After all the hard work, adjustments, and taking care of yourself, you now feel like you did something wrong, and your pain is coming back to punish you for that. Now, you’re probably thinking, “How will I ever be able to do anything ever again? This pain won’t go away.” The staff at McKinley Family Chiropractic is here to put your mind at ease.

Most people who enter our office have been in some form of constant pain for some time now. Whether it has been a week of nonstop pain or three months of on-and-off pain, it is usually consistent pain that pushes people to seek our help. After their first few adjustments, they usually get a break from the pain, which is a huge deal for almost everyone. A reminder that your body can go through a day with little to no pain provides hope. So, after a couple of days, when the pain returns, it is a terrifying feeling. However, we are here to tell you that this is normal. Your pain will fluctuate as you progress through your care plan. Some days will be amazing, and you’ll feel like you can restart all the activities you’ve been holding off on (PLEASE DON’T). Other days will feel just like the first day you walked in. It is normal.

What we want everyone to understand is that your pain isn’t returning. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you aren’t being punished. You’re simply experiencing the pain less. There doesn’t just come a day when your pain fully disappears without a trace. It takes time, consistency, and an understanding that some days will feel worse than others. This is your body’s way of healing itself. Trust the process. When things are changing within your body, and your pain is shifting, that is progress in the right direction, and you’re on the right path.

As always, if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to ask one of the doctors the next time you visit the office.

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