Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Greetings everyone, I hope that everyone is enjoying the excitement of the 2014 soccer World Cup. For this weeks topic we’ll be discussing “Innate Intelligence”. I know that our current patients have heard us use this terminology many times but maybe didn’t know exactly what it meant. So, we’ll answer your question “What is innate intelligence” and go into a little more detail in this article.

Natural Intelligence

A “living thing” has an inborn intelligence within its body, called innate intelligence. The mission of this intelligence is adapt to universal forces and matter for use in the body. This allows all parts of the body to have co-ordinated action for mutual benefit.

Like that sportsman in the Soccer World Cup, with all the excitement, stress, action that happens in the World Cup, their innate intelligence needs to adapt to the new environment, stresses or anything else so that you will be able to adapt. When they are on the soccer field they need their innate to be working at 100% so that they can respond and adapt to any situation on the field. If their Innate Intelligence is not working at its best, their response time, concentration or anything else will potential not be up to par with their competition.

Like the soccer players, we need our innate intelligence to be working at 100% so that we are able to adapt to any situation. It needs to be fine tuned and maintained so that we can handle stress better, recover from injuries or illness faster etc.

Chiropractic was founded on the principle that as long as your nervous system remains patent, your inner wisdom can defend or fight any challenge that comes its way. Some call it “Nature” and others “Chi” but, what ever the name, the power has been with you from the moment that you were born, orchestrating all the steps required to keep you alive and well to successfully maintaining your existence.

The best way to ensure your nervous system is clear of interference is to make sure you’re getting checked frequently by your chiropractor. If you’re not already visiting one already, we encourage you to search for a chiropractor near you to get checked out!

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