Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Hello everyone and Happy Holidays!!! This is the time of the year when the weather starts to get colder and we start celebrating some good holidays. We talk about the three T’s in the office which are Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins. For this weeks blog I am going to talk a little about the Thoughts portion.

We don’t realize how our thoughts can affect our physiology, our health and other people. It is necessary to make sure that we are finding balance in our life, whether it is meditation, affirmations, thinking optimistically etc. We should strive to make creating balance in our life because if we are not then we are in a state of Dis-Ease and we start experiencing more symptoms. This is a great season to start trying to create this balance, by giving cheer and making people less fortunate than yourself feel loved by either offering your services, donating a gift to an organization or just giving someone that you care about or work with a compliment can really change your mental state and theirs.

We are doing our part in the office to create some cheer to others less fortunate than ourselves. We have spoken to someone special who lives in the North Pole and he has agreed that we have a good idea to bring some good Cheer to those in need. So I do not want to give to much away but there will be something in the Mail so expect to see that soon.

“Almal is ‘n genie. Maar as jy ‘n vis oordeel deur sy vermoë om ‘n boom te klim, sal dit sy hele lewe en glo dat dit is dom.” Albert Einstein ( Afrikaans meaning Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid).

Dr. R

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