Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


I have been trying to tell my patients, friends, and family for years that germs and  viruses don’t cause disease in and of themselves; its the strength of the host organism that is the determining factor.  I could go on and on about the science of this, but I’m going to refer to a link from a colleague and mentor of mine who puts it brilliantly.  I hope those of you who have been a member of our practice are not buying into this HYPE of another outbreak that is going to destroy the world. In fact, I’m sure some people are actually canceling their trips to Mexico because they are scared.  How sad that manipulation of science, drug company and media info actually has the western hemisphere in fear yet again!

What will it be next year? If not swine flu, bird flu, or cow flu…..maybe rabbit flu or even for us Chicagoans, we’ll have the Cubs flu (I do know some people who have Cubs fever)?    People, make sure your body is as well as it can be naturally and you need not worry about these little organisms that for the most part peacefully co-exist.  Maybe I should buy a ticket to Vacation in Mexico for Memorial day? It would be cheap and I guarantee you I wouldn’t be afraid of getting swine flu!!!

Here’s the link to a commentary from one of my colleagues and mentors, Dr. Dennis Perman.

C’est Le Terrain – April 27, 2009


Dr. McKinley

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