Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


For those of you who remember the name, Willie Gault, the wide receiver on our beloved ’85 Bears Team, you may find this link amazing regarding his continued success in keeping his body at top conditioning level.  At 48 years old, he is competing with 20 year old Olympic track stars and beating them!  I know you’ll love the story, but what I hope some of you think of like I did is what are we doing each day to improve our mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual dimensions of our health.  What possibilities lie ahead if we just choose to do even one thing better consistently.  Most people truly think health automatically deteriorates with age, yet we see people everyday in our office doing things they couldn’t do 20 years ago.*http3A/

I’m certainly not saying we should all attempt to be the fastest man at 50 years of age, but maybe we want to be able to keep up with our kids on bike rides, have the energy to get out of bed early and be excited to tackle each day as if it were Christmas morning, reduce our need for anxiety and pain meds due to our bodies inability to adapt to our stress, enjoy a cup of coffee rather than be adicted to 5 cups just for survival, or even just simple things like smiling more, loving more, and being thankful more.  All of these things are possible with a little consistent action each day.  I suggest starting today rather than waiting for problems, pain, and anxiety to show up in the form of symptoms. 

Be proactive because you want to!

Much Respect,

ps….Due to overwhelming demand during our Patient Appreciation Week last week, we have
extended the Free friends and family referrals until the end of the Month.  We are so
grateful to have so many practice members who truly want everyone they know to experience
wellness. Keep spreading the word!

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