Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Today we have posted an interesting video on our Facebook page and we recommend you give it a watch; its 30 seconds really cool and important!!

We have seen more and more families over the years start to figure out that regular chiropractic adjustments for their children are helping them grow up DIFFERENT.  They don’t need antibiotics for ear infections, they recover from cold and fevers and allergies quicker and WITHOUT meds like Tylenols and Zyrtec.  In the end, its just wonderful to see parents seeing this difference and we salute you for sharing this wonderful gift with others.

As nice as this sounds though, millions of Americans are still in the dark, giving countless meds, vaccines, and other symptoms suppressants, destroying the nervous and immune systems of our future generation.  As the quote below states, better to build them strong than wait until they are damaged.  If you are reading this and you have kids, schedule an appt. to get them evaluated on your next visit.  If its important to you, why not your kiddos :)

Dit is makliker om ‘n sterk kinders te bou as om te herstel gebroke mans (Afrikaans meaning-
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men-Frederick Douglass)

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