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by floodlightseo


Categories: Uncategorized

by floodlightseo


Oh, IT JUST COMES and GOES doctor.
One of the most common phrases I hear from new patients is that their problem or pain just comes and goes, so it’s not that big of a deal.  These people are what I call “MINIMIZER”.  Another example would be, “Oh, I just take advil for my migraines once in a while.”  Define once in a while.  Does that mean 2 or 3 time a month or week?  Does that mean once a week for the last 10 years?  Do you not really know because you take pain relievers everyday, so it seems like once in a while?

It is really incredible when you start asking these questions.  When someone starts to see that really they have had a PROBLEM for years and is taking 208 (2 Advil/2x’s week),  or more pills a year, but then start to see that their (Once in a while or IT JUST COMES AND GOES) issue is really quite chronic, then they start to realize that they are truly UNHEALTHY.  Other than trauma, like a car accident or fall, most chronic injuries or problems like migraines, back pain, insomnia, sciatica, etc, come ONCE IN WHILE for years before they are everyday.  Make sure you don’t let your friends and family become MINIMIZER of their health.  I see it everyday, and it is sad that they did not become aware of it sooner.  It ends up affecting their energy and life by slowly sucking away their energy.  You’ve all seen it….the once happy person, who now is always sick or tired and always seems to have a headache or didn’t sleep well, but, oh yeah…for the most part FEEL FINE.

So, when you hear someone say, “OH, IT JUST COMES and GOES,” then ask questions to find out how long they REALLY have had that issue.  It may be awkward in the moment, but when they will come out of denial about their health, and get the problem fixed, start living without pain and pain relievers and get back to walking, golfing, gardening, or just picking up their kids or being at work without a headache, WOW…I’ll tell you…YOU will be the first person they thank for having the HUEVOS (that means eggs in Spanish, but really means balls in slang Spanish) …. to tell them the truth :)

Dr. McKinley

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