Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Mosquitoes Seek Stagnant Water….weird title but true. Although, mosquitoes DO NOT cause the pool to become stagnant.

The sooner you understand and teach yourself and your kids that GERMS don’t cause disease, the sooner you will be liberated from the medical fear machine. This doesn’t mean that germs do not exist…THEY DO, but they are a factor, not the cause. This messaging can also teach kids that it actually matters to eat well, move well, and love well. Kids do get it. If they understand that eating vegetables are helpful in reality, not just mommy saying so, then it will be more likely for them to believe you with practicality, and therefore eat it even if they don’t like it. For instance, kids don’t like cough syrup but they drink it with less fuss than veggies because they truly BELIEVE it’s going to help them! While it doesn’t actually help, it only makes them feel better, you get my point.

Old philosophy and mainstream medical philosophy wants you to believe that you’re all just helpless victims. That no matter what you do for your health, you’re just screwed. They want you to believe that you will get sick regardless of how much natural healthcare you get, organic foods you eat, etc.

If this isn’t recognized by the masses, then we’ll continue to see mass media trying to push the public into more miracle drugs and shots. If you think it’s not that real, look at how California trying to mandate vaccines for kids regardless of religious beliefs or the families philosophy on health. Regardless of where you may stand on this issue, it should make sense that, according to our constitution, we should have a right to healing freedoms.

Benjamin Rush, M.D., one of the signers of our Declaration of Independence, said “To restrict the art of healing to one class (Mon-God-santo/Medicine) and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the bastille of medical science.”

Why should my 6 year old believe me that getting chiropractic adjustments, exercise, meditation, praying, eating well, etc. are things that are important? For starters, I practice what I preach. If your kids see contradictions in your actions and words than they’re not going to believe you. For example, mom says all these things make me healthy, but if I get sick, it’s all about where is the pain or fever relieving medication, not what can help my body overcome the problem.

It’s so interesting to see how the common medical curtain of “germs cause disease” is about to come tumbling down. Just a couple weeks ago I saw an environmentalist talking about the dangers of mercury in vaccines on Real Time with Bill Mauher. This isn’t a medical talk show, it’s actually a political talk show, so I was stunned to see such an important health topic show up. The video is 15 minutes long but definitely worth the watch. Worth the 15 minutes to watch.

Exciting and interesting times! The 1950s are over and people are learning that doctors dont’ know everything. Awakenings are happening globally. I hope you are all moving in a direction that makes sense and liberates you from fear, and ultimately allows you to LIVE your life abundantly with love and passion.

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