by floodlightseo
by floodlightseo
Hey everyone, hope you’re having a great start to your week.
If you’re like me your probably sick of hearing about the swine flu. Dr. McKinley wrote a great piece about it last week. In it he mentioned that one of the events that put Chiropractic on the map was the Flu epidemic of 1917-1918. You see before the 1970s the public consciousness didn’t immediately associate Chiropractic with back pain, people visited Chiropractors for any number of reasons. You may have recently heard the term “Wellness Revolution”. It’s used to describe the new focus (of mainly allopathic medicine) on holistic and natural methods of healing. Well, guess what, there is nothing revolutionary about wellness, the Chiropractic profession has been practicing it for hundreds of years. This is why those people in 1917-18 brought their loved ones to the Chiropractor when they were suffering from the flu. It wasn’t because their back hurt, it was because at that time Chiropractic hadn’t been label as “back doctors”, and they understood that a chiropractic adjustment allows the body’s immune system to function better, allowing them to fight off the flu virus. This is the reason that so many less chiropractic patients died during the epidemic than the general population as a whole.
This brings me back to the swine flu. I’m linking a great article written outlining the scientific evidence for chiropractic helping those with the flu. You’ll see close to a hundred articles referenced for this claim.
In the end it all comes down to this: you can’t avoid the flu bug, if one person in your school, your place of work, your home has it, you will be exposed. Your level of health and immunity will determine whether you or your loved ones will suffer from it. If you eat healthy, exercise, manage stress in your life, live purposefully, are under chiropractic care, etc, you shouldn’t have to worry. If you’re not doing these things it doesn’t mean that you will get swine flu. But eventually your lifestyle will catch up with you: maybe swine, bird, dog, cat, bear, iguana, or any other flu. Why not do something about it now?
Dr. Arthur
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