Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Three Dimensions of Health

Three Dimensions of Health

Many of you have heard us speak about the need to both reduce the stress in your life, and to enhance the ability of your body to handle stress. You may have listen and thought, “Yeah, I get it, but how?” Of course, you already know the answer: exercise, healthy eating, living purposefully, being under chiropractic care, time management, good sleep, etc. The question then becomes: “If it is that easy, why aren’t you doing it?” Well, for some people, unfortunately, it’s not easy. You need that extra push, someone holding your hand, holding you accountable for your actions (or inactions).

As a Creating Wellness Center we are concerned with all aspects of our patients’ health. We work with your spine and nervous system to ensure they are working at their optimum levels, but we also want to be there for you in regards to nutrition, exercise, stress management, living on purpose, and much more. It may be as simple as a suggestion on a new exercise routine or a tip on which type of fruit to buy at the grocery store. Or you may be someone who needs a more hands on approach. We can provide that through our Creating Wellness System.

The Creating Wellness System couples state of the art health assessments with customized, hands on coaching in all three dimensions of health: physical, biochemical, and psychological to give you a life changing program that allows you to make the changes necessary to improve your life and your health.

The best part of the system is that it really works! A soon to be published study from Emory University shows that:

  • The Creating Wellness protocol is an effective method of reducing those factors that contribute to risks related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer.
  • The Creating Wellness protocol led to a significant improvement in overall health outcomes.
  • The Creating Wellness protocol of exercise, nutritional modification and psychological support reduced overall health risks and leads to improved health outcomes.
  • Creating Wellness Alliance is ahead of the curve with the collection and analysis of health risk data.

Furthermore the study showed significant improvement in participants weight, blood pressure, body fat %, strength, and more.

For more information or to schedule a Creating Wellness Assessment please contact us today!

Check out this news report on one of our sister CW clinics!

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