by floodlightseo
by floodlightseo
We wanted to share with you some very exciting news for McKinley Chiropractic and the Chicago Community as a whole. On Wednesday and Thursday last week, I was invited to come speak to the heads of Chicago’s Union 2, which is largest union for the firefighters in the Chicago Fire Department. We are in the process of applying for a million dollar grant from the U.S. government focused on developing a wellness program for our city’s fireman and the first major hurdle was getting the actual firefighters themselves on board.
You see, a dirty little secret when it comes to the health care of our public servants is that, on average across the country, the majority of firefighters and police officers pass away (die!) within 5 years of retirement! That stat just blew me away! It is just unacceptable to me, and after my presentation, it was to them too!
They have invited us to come back in January to demonstrate to them basically what all of you, (assuming that if you are reading this you are a regular member of our practice), have had done in our office. We scan (using state of the art Insight technology) and measure you to determine how healthy your nervous system is, and how likely your body is able to defend itself from lifestyle stress.
By the end of 2012, as the initial part of their wellness program, all 7000 firefighters in Chicago will be scanned using our Insight system, so they will know they can utilize chiropractic care to improve their health naturally, before resorting to drugs and surgery. When I asked them if they knew that the average American takes 8 to 10 prescription meds a day at 55 years old, some didn’t believe me, until half the room pulled papers out of their wallets showing me all the drugs they take. One guy was on 19! Since the third leading cause of death in the U.S. is side effects to correctly prescribed medication (yes, I said correctly prescribed), being on more drugs to ensure health is rarely the answer – in fact, it’s actually (and literally) killing us.
This is huge for not only the firefighters and their family, but each and every Chicago resident as well. Firefighters are the ultimate occupational athlete. If, God forbid, I ever need to call on one, I want him or her to be at their best – free from nervous system irritation, subluxation, and dis-ease.
In the end, I’m so happy God chose me to help lead the CFD into the wellness revolution. I couldn’t feel more honored. Several other local doctors of chiropractic will be helping me, but I’ll be leading the way. Thanks to all you firemen and women who come to our office for putting in a good word about our work. I would have had no chance of bringing this to our city without your testimonials to the Union President Tom Ryan.
For the rest of you, if this inspires you to bring wellness to your workplace, like we are doing at the CFD, then you can help. Just contact your company’s wellness coordinator (sometimes called benefits or health fair coordinator) and give us their information. We have been conducting free screenings and doing health lectures or lunch and learns for over 10 years, and companies love it. Anytime a company can bring an added benefit to their employees, at no cost, they listen!
Just to reward those of you who read this entire newsletter, the first 3 people who respond to put us in touch with their company’s wellness coordinator to set up a lunch and learn or screening will receive a $125 off our 21 day purification program! Hurry up, your co-workers need youJ
Have a GREAT week everyone!!!
Dr. M
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