by floodlightseo
by floodlightseo
No, they did not come up with a vaccine for eating too much cereal yet, but I did think the title would capture your attention. It basically came to me as I was talking with a member of our practice this week, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks how bad the medical establishment has been confusing and removing hope from all who buy into that philosophy of living (or should I say dying).
I realize many of you reading this have been members of our practice a long time and understand the true meaning of health, and that the body heals from the inside out, not the outside in. On the other hand, many who read my blog, are not members, and still are buying into the bad bill of health that the medical establishment had sold them. The bill is this….”YOU are born unequipped to live healthy in this world we live in.” and “Your body is for the most part… stupid.” Ultimately this creates a health or should I say disease system that is fear based and disempowering.
First of all, the moment someone is pregnant, which should be a celebration of life, ultimately becomes about fear about what the O.B. may find on one the many unnecessary ultrasounds, the baby is too big or too small, or your cervix is too small for the head of the baby to exit, etc, etc… The mother needs to be told to “PUSH” with her legs up in the air during labor because she is temporarily paralyzed with an epidural ( I thought it was about first doing no harm?). Then, after the baby is born, pulled from the mother to inject chemicals into the bloodstream with needles, because the baby was BORN UNEQUIPPED? Then, over the next year 5 years of life the baby will have 54 more vaccines introduced into their UNEQUIPPED bloodstream, multiple antibiotics for ear infections, and dozens of Tylenol drops to reduce fevers. Again, why would a parent reduce a fever? Because they have been taught that the body is stupid and must be making a mistake….therefore, lets drug our child to artificially make them feel better, while the virus or bacteria continues to live, because the body didn’t have enough time to COOK the bad guy and dispose of it through mucous, feces, perspiration, etc.
Later in life, the poor bill of health continues to show through, as adolescents are put on drugs for all of their symptoms, from cramping in teenagers, to headache medications, and ultimately psycho- semantic meds to help them focus from ADHD or other spectrum disorders? Then as you get into middle age and above, you are taught that life is a bitch and you need to take drugs to prevent you from dying, even if nothing is wrong, like cholesterol meds, blood pressure meds, osteoporosis meds, and on and on
Rather than thinking, wait…your body is intelligent and makes you have symptoms for a reason. You may not like it, but they are all signs and clues to what is happening for your body to make the right ADJUSTMENTS to adapt and correct the problem. Yes, sometimes, that may require a stitch or a cast, or even a medication. Is the lifestyle being addressed 1st? Is there person really thinking, eating, or moving better on a regular basis? That being said, to always, look at the body as unequipped and stupid, will ALWAYS find MORE medications and surgeries to block or remove the symptom, the very alarm that was actually warning the person that something was wrong.
Look, you either fundamentally believe, for the most part, people are born healthy or they are not. You either believe the body is intelligent or not. Therefore, your actions for health should always be….1st, am I assisting the self regulating, intelligent body heal or not. Then, should I naturally assist it, or will it require something with a side effect and is that worth the risk.
With our current medical establishment philosophy of health, everyone is confused and afraid and medicating our culture into oblivion. Side effects to medication prescribed by doctors are now in the TOP 3 causes of death! Hello, its not working, even if it make you feel better!
To top it off, some doctors are trying to learn wellness and body work and nutrition, because they feel bad that drugging their patients for everything isn’t working. So, they feel good about telling a 55 year old to eat CHEERIOS to help their heart? (btw…that is horrible advice).. Would you go to a PLUMBER to buy a new car? I wouldn’t; so, why are you?
Happy Independence Day! I wish all of you a wonderful holiday to spend with family and friends, and to be grateful for all you have in this wonderful country we call home.
much love,
Dr. McKinley
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