Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Recently, I was observing how my son, Nico, 16 months old, was trying to figure out the miracle of pushing a button that made a toy car move from a distance!  I’m using the exclamation point from my Son’s point of reference, as I’m sure you don’t find that too exciting.  Nico would watch the care move, push the other button, then watch the car move backwards, look at me, then the car, then the remote.  At times, he would even touch the antenna of the remote to the antenna of the car.  He did not KNOW how this was happening, but he was at least now in total Belief that it was a true event or phenomenon.

We have experience this turn of events as adults no doubt, such as our first flight in an airplane, 4G cell phones, or maybe even the idea of the internet itself.  At other times it might not be so obvious.  For example, for me to watch a patient/member of our practice see the this truth with the principle of chiropractic care and the adjustment for the achievement of optimal health through improving the efficiency of the nerves that feed info back to the brain and communicate to all cells of the body.

Someone might not know how they gained control of a paralyzed leg by just getting adjustments, or they might not know how they stopped having years of migranes or asthma through seemingly simple chiropractic care.  Once it happened though, at that point, they Believe it to be true because of the results they see and feel.

You see, you don’t need to know exactly how chiropractic adjustments improve these things anymore than you need to know how Tylenol can cause kidney failure.  Once you see it happen, you believe it to be true.  You may even also go on to study exactly how it happens, but most will be satisfied with just seeing and feeling it, like Nico was with the remote contol.  Once you see it happen, you believe it, and that phenomenon is what then forever changes your actions because of a new belief system.

This country and our world in general need a much better belief system when it comes to health and wellness.  Like many of you reading this, we have seen the truth, and we feel a passionate need to keep spreading it.  Please help us do the same.  Without your voice, enough beliefs won’t change and people will continue to treat their health ills with more pain relievers, antibiotics, anti-depressants, drugs for cholesterol, asthma, acid reflux, allergies, asthma and more.  Better health through better chemistry isn’t working, but because most belief systems are the same, we continue to look for answers in the wrong places.

Keep Spreading the TRUTH,

Much respect,

Dr. McKinley

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