Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Be Polite or Being Healthy

Now to explain a little bit about the topic. There are too many people that always worry about spreading germs or getting other people sick or getting themselves sick, so they start using antibacterials that kill 100% of all germs on your hands.  Problem is that most germs are good for you. When we used sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs it kills the good germs to which in return makes us more susceptible to getting sick and weakens the immune system.

Instead of being polite and covering your cough and worrying about getting sick,  focus on REAL health and wellness and what supports your body to actually be a self healing machine.  Snot, and fevers are also good for you.  You don’t have to LIKE how it feels. You see far to often, we have been told our body were dumb and doesn’t really know what its doing.  That is why uneducated masses flock to walgreen for the FLU Shot.  First of all, even the centers for disease control clearly state how ineffective the FLU SHOT is, which begs the question of why we are bombarded with negative advertisements to get it.

Here is how to support your immune system.  1) Have a clear nervous system, so your brain can communicate with your organs efficiently.  (This is why you get adjusted).   Second, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, so your body can break it down and use it to support your immune system.  Why are people more concerned about covering their mouth over eating carrots, getting adjusted, and exercising?  3)  Make sure you have a proper mental plan for keeping love and laughter in your life.  This may sound a little kum-by-ya ish, but seriously, when we are not taking time to rest, pray, laugh, meditate, etc and just BE with ourselves or family, then we allow the nervous system to store  pent up energy and throw us into stress overload.  What is your weekly plan for de-stressing?

Finally, when symptoms do come, like runny noses and coughs, DON’T MASK them with over the counter or RX drugs unless its a true emergency, which is rare, with colds.  Your body is intelligent and is trying to expel the virus or bacteria in the form of snot, sweat, feces, etc.  YOU DON’T HAVE to like how it looks or sounds, but they are all important body functions that need to run their course to strengthen.  If you skip steps or cheat the system, then you WILL NOT be healthier.  You may feel better quicker, but will the side effects be worth it?

In the end, trust your body, appreciate its inborn intelligence, and work with it, not against it!

Love and light,
Dr. McKinley

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