Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for childhood illnesses, like ear aches, sore throats, colds, etc. Sometimes they are prescribed for the wrong conditions. When we medicate our kids, we are not allowing their body’s innate ability to fight the infection on their own. This prevents their immune system from becoming stronger towards fighting illnesses they’ll face later in life.

One of the most common conditions we see antibiotics being prescribed for is an ear infection. According to Well Adjusted Babies, “Children using antibiotics for earaches suffered 2-6 times more recurrent infections.” Why does my kid keep getting more infections after they have been treated with antibiotics? Is it just that my kid is unlucky and always touches too many germs in daycare or school? These are questions we get all too often.

Antibiotics do not have the ability to only kill the “bad” bacteria in our bodies. They also kill the “good” or “healthy” bacteria that are required for health. “Good” bacteria is supposed to be present throughout an individual’s digestive tract. When it’s decreased, the body is not able to function optimally. There are correlations between gut health and the strength and function of the individual’s immune system. This is why recurring treatments of antibiotics in a kid causes repetitive infections in their near future. Their immune system is weak because it has not had the ability to fight infections on its own and their gut health is decreased.

Everyday kids come in contact with germs at school, at daycare, at the store, at the playground, and at home. When kids inevitably come in contact with germs, their body takes measure to rid them of them. Sometimes they will get sick, most of the time they will not. This is because the body is an intelligent organism that always wants to survive. The more germs a kid comes in contact with and overcomes, the healthier and stronger their immune system. Due to this fact, we should not be shielding our kids from germs that occur in our normal world.

Many parents wonder what they should do then when their kid is sick. They do not want to see them suffer and want to help in any way possible to make them more comfortable. The recommendation for kids with fevers and infections is to watch closely and wait. The amount of time to overcome an ear infection is comparable whether or not they were given antibiotics or not. Antibiotics do not provide pain relief for the child, they solely enter the body to kill bacteria. Pain relievers should not be given to a child when they have a simple fever and infection; and do not have any compromising health conditions. If their fever is synthetically lowered, their body’s ability to fight the infection inside of them is decreased. Fevers are a healthy response and should be allowed to work themselves out.

Chiropractors focus on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. We focus on a healthy nervous system so that the body can adapt to any stress we run into in our daily life. Come in to get your child’s and your nervous systems checked!

Healthy Nervous System = Healthy Immune System = Healthy Life

Written by: Thomas Williams

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