Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Categories: Wellness Blog

by floodlightseo


Many of you may have heard me say that health is expressed above, down, inside, out.  I frequently re-visit this philosophical statement in the office as we educate our patients about wellness.  You see, so many well educated people still actually think that health comes in a bottle, and why, yes sometimes a vitamin or pill may help the body, you can’t actually buy health buy putting more things in our body as the primary framework.  You see, the body doesn’t really need any help, it just need no interference.  For example, a cast doesn’t really heal a broken leg, it just helps to straighten it out, while the body does the healing from within.  Another example can be the flu, where grandmas chicken soup doesn’t buy health, but it does allow the body some nutrition and mental comfort while the body produces its own battle from within through the immune system.  In our office, its not that the adjustment cured a patients lifelong battle with migranes or sciatica, but it did remove the pressure of the nerve so the body can now transmit a better neurological message from the brain, down the spinal cord, to the injured area of the body to heal.   For anyone not really getting this and who actually thinks a cast does the healing and not the body itself, try putting  a cast on the body of a dead person with a broken leg…..I guarantee you the leg will not heal no matter how well the doctor places the cast.

You see, everyday we are blessed in our office with the ability to see people with restored confidence in their body’s ability to heal itself.  For too many of our friends and family needlessly suffer from chronic conditions because they are not removing the interference blocking their respective bodies ability to heal.  For example, for the patient with chronic acid reflux, irritablle bowel, and low back pain with a degenerated disk.  The are told to take Prevacid, Ibuprofen, and consider a cortisone injection for each pain.  None of the medical treatments treat the PROBLEM  (only the symptoms), and in fact, only make it more difficult for the body to restore its ability to self heal.  For instance, the prevacid will not address the harmful affects of an acidic diet, the ibuprofen might reduce inflammation, but will irritate an already irritated bowel, and the cortisone my reduce pain from the bulging disc, but it will not correct the problem and will cause secondary weight gain from the steroid.  To restore natural healing, the interference must be removed.  In order to remove interference to the disk, the L5 vertebrae needs to be adjusted from its arthritic position, the diet needs to be more basic in nature, and the ibuprofen should be eliminated as it is useless in the overall process for correction.  Even though this method will not give immediated pain relief, it will allow restoration of health, so that when the pain goes away in less than month it will stay away without the addiction to unnecessary medication and with the empowerment of the patient knowing that their body did the healing, not us, we just removed the road block!!

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