• CEO’s of large corporations make millions of dollars for performing their job. When you take into consideration the responsibility of juggling a lot of tasks, managing thousands of people, making very tough decisions that could make or break their company, and the accountability of being in the top position you can begin to see why […]

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  • Lately there’s been a lot of talk in the news about colds and the flu. Unfortunately, the news has a bad habit of using scare tactics to persuade people into getting flu shots. What you may not know is that the human body actually has natural mechanisms in place to help fend off the common […]

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  • Alright you ghouls and goblins, the time is almost here where we dress up in our favorite costumes and celebrate Halloween. It’s also that time of year where we’ll be consuming candy and other treats. We wanted to take this opportunity to compile a list of some foods that are good for your brain and […]

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  • For this weeks article we wanted to talk about spinal maintenance. Despite its importance to ensure we’re living our lives at an optimum level, we as a society are rarely educated on the topic of maintaining your spine. I like to use the following analogy, especially for all of us that live in the Chicagoland […]

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  • So even Dr. Oz is now warning people about the mercury in the flu shot now! I love it when mainstream T.V. shows start talking about what we have been talking about for a decade! It means that the mainstream population is ready to hear and believe the TRUTH. These drugs are bad and have […]

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  • Below is the trailer for the documentary BOUGHT. This is being premiered at the Davis Theatre on September 30th, 2014 at 7pm. Many people have asked me…”Doc, why do you do all of this stuff like lectures and documentary films for our community?” Well, it;s simple….our country is literally infected with FEAR about health. There […]

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  • For this weeks article I wanted to talk about subluxation. I know we talk about it a lot in the office but I thought it’d be good to go into more detail and provide some subluxation example comparisons. I want you to think about what would happen if you would walk around everyday for the […]

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  • Goeie dag almal ek hoop jy het ‘n goeie week so ver. This is Afrikaans and means “Good day everyone, I hope you are having a good week so far. For this weeks article we’re going to discuss self-diagnosis and diagnosing in general. It’s an interesting topic and I’m sure there are a lot of […]

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  • Before we get started with this weeks article I wanted to remind everyone about our awesome talk coming up on August 26th. Seats are filling up quickly so make sure to sign-up at the office if you haven’t already! So, for this weeks article we’re going to discuss treating your health like a safe. When […]

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  • I’ve had a handful of conversations recently that sparked the topic of this article. It seems many people think that chiropractic is just one technique where all doctors are doing the same thing. This is not the case! There are over 150 different chiropractic techniques and all have different benefits. For this week’s article we’ll […]

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