by floodlightseo
by floodlightseo

We’ve all heard “It took my breath away”.
The smile of your beautiful wife.
A football hanging in the air above a pack of players in the end zone.
The birth of your child.
A gorgeous sunset.
Many of us have had magical moments that left us in awe and took our breath away.
Unfortunately, for many, this phrase has a total different meaning. Many suffer silently and their lives are stifled by chronic breathing issues like asthma, allergies, sinusitis, or too frequent of colds and runny noses.
Simply breathing, for some, is not something that can be taken for granted.
We invite you to attend this incredible event to discover the secrets in getting your breath back.
Dr. McKinley and Dr. Matt are Chicago leading experts in natural wellness and healing and are committed to restore your breathing, so next time your breath is taken away, is not because of a preventable or correctable health condition.
If you are a parent of a child with any type of allergy or atopy, this event is also for you!
Seats are limited so please RSVP by email
[email protected]
(773) 583- 4325
or through our facebook events page or private message.
Come get in your summer tune up, and bring a friend (or 2) for a morning of health and acai bowls! It’s our summer treat to all our lovely patients and their families! You can “do it yourself” kinda of bowl, or you can request one made by our “mini chefs”. You’ll be all pumped […]
An empowering and educational workshop for every new member of our practice, or those considering changing their LIVES through Chiropractic care. You will learn the basics of how chiropractic can help you out of suffering and how living a chiropractic lifestyle is the way to heal, hope and thrive. Wednesday April 25th 7pm-8pm @McKinley Family […]